Basic Pump Out $375
This includes pumping, up to 1500 gallons. Septic tank lid needs to be exposed or not more than 6 inches deep, in a known location.
Basic Locate and Dig $450
This includes pumping, up to 1500 gallons, tank location of tanks that are easily found with the use of a ground probe and lid excavation up to 2 feet deep.
Complex Locate and Dig $525
This includes pumping, up to 1500 gallons, lid excavation up to 2 feet deep and location of tanks that require the use of a radio transmitter and locator.
Complex Lid Excavation
This is for tank lids that are deeper that 2 feet. These require a custom bid.
Radio Locate Only $100
This is includes locating the tank with a radio transmitter, with no other services purchased at the time.